A Mediation Twist

Towards Matura 2023. Episode 10

15 listopada 2022, 18:00

Zachęcamy do zapisów na webinarium

Szkolenie poprowadzi dr Piotr Steinbrich, nauczyciel akademicki, metodyk i teacher trainer, językoznawca, autor i konsultant cenionych materiałów edukacyjnych. Trener na wielu konferencjach ELT w Europie, Azji oraz Centralnej i Południowej Ameryce.

dwie dziewczyny

W trakcie sesji nasz trener przedstawi:

  •  rolę mediacji w komunikacji

  • typy ćwiczeń i zadań, które uwzględniają mediację, jako narzędzie komunikacyjne w recepcji i produkcji języka obcego

  • sposoby ćwiczenia zadań egzaminacyjnych (maturalnych) wykorzystujących mediację.


Piotr Steinbrich:

In modern language teaching mediation is seen as one of the four modes that govern language use. As a result, it is constantly and consistently paving its way through syllabuses, materials and exams. In this talk, I will demonstrate the ubiquity of mediation in everyday communication and show how it could be practiced through a variety of activities to maximize the language potential of the learners. Spoilers notwithstanding, the presentation will conclude with the insight that the multitude of teaching practices used in the classroom were, are and most probably will be mediation-oriented

Nota o prelegencie

Piotr Steinbrich

PhD Piotr Steinbrich - Speaker

I have been involved in TEFL as a lecturer, teacher trainer, materials writer and consultant since 1995. I have cooperated with various publishing houses and educational institutions. My publications include position articles for teachers, research articles and books (co-edited) in the domains of applied linguistics and second language acquisition. As a conference attendant I am a regular at IATEFL (both Poland and International), PASE Congress, ET Market. I have given talks, plenaries and workshops at various ELT events in the following countries: Argentina, Czechia, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Georgia, Great Britain, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Poland, Peru, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey and Ukraine.