Fostering pedagogically-driven (genuine) communication

Fostering pedagogically-driven (genuine) communication

Towards Matura 2023. Episode 14

20 kwietnia 2023, 17:00

Szkolenie poprowadzi dr Piotr Steinbrich, nauczyciel akademicki, metodyk i teacher trainer, językoznawca, autor i konsultant cenionych materiałów edukacyjnych. Trener na wielu konferencjach ELT w Europie, Azji oraz Centralnej i Południowej Ameryce.


W trakcie sesji nasz trener odniesie się do następujących aspektów ćwiczenia sprawności mówienia na poziomie ponadpodstawowym:

  • analiza zagadnień egzaminacyjnych jako czynnik wspomagający produkcję językową u ucznia
  • planowanie wypowiedzi
  • rozwijanie zadań egzaminacyjnych w kierunku naturalnej komunikacji


dr Piotr Steinbrich:

Speaking is considered by many the most important skill in foreign language use. Speaking activities that we typically practice with the learners, however, are usually limited to just a few types — those resembling matura tasks. In this webinar I will focus mainly on aspects of speaking practice. Firstly, we will look at how to extend exam tasks so they provide opportunities for more varied and less constrained production. Secondly, attention will be drawn to the notions of planning and analysis in order to make learners' performance more efficient, both from the perspective of the exam and genuine outside-of-the-classroom communication.

Nota o prelegencie

Piotr Steinbrich

PhD Piotr Steinbrich - Speaker

I have been involved in TEFL as a lecturer, teacher trainer, materials writer and consultant since 1995. I have cooperated with various publishing houses and educational institutions. My publications include position articles for teachers, research articles and books (co-edited) in the domains of applied linguistics and second language acquisition. As a conference attendant I am a regular at IATEFL (both Poland and International), PASE Congress, ET Market. I have given talks, plenaries and workshops at various ELT events in the following countries: Argentina, Czechia, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Georgia, Great Britain, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Poland, Peru, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey and Ukraine.

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