Streamlined writing

Matura 2023 z angielskiego

Towards Matura 2023. Episode 13

02 marca 2023, 18:00

Pisanie na maturze - czy to wyzwanie dla Twoich uczniów?

Jeśli szukasz pomysłów jak najlepiej przygotować przyszłych maturzystów do wykonywania tego typu zadań zapraszamy na spotkanie z ekspertem.

PWN oraz Cambridge University Press & Assessment mają przyjemność zaprosić na szkolenie z cyklu Towards Matura 2023:

Streamlined writing


Podczas webinarium dr Piotr Steinbrich opowie o:

  • strategiach, technikach i metodach przydatnych w pisaniu w kontekście egzaminacyjnym
  • aspektach językowych efektywnego pisania
  • zróżnicowaniu pod kątem typów tekstów wykorzystywanych na egzaminie maturalnym


Piotr Steinbrich:

In this session I will look at problems learners typically experience in writing, especially at the Matura exam, basic or extended. Practical in nature, the webinar will focus on the strategie, methods and tricks that learners can use to make their writing more effective and to the point. We will pay attention to the selection of linguistic items, to the format of various writing genres and to the task set.

Nota o prelegencie

Piotr Steinbrich

PhD Piotr Steinbrich - Speaker

I have been involved in TEFL as a lecturer, teacher trainer, materials writer and consultant since 1995. I have cooperated with various publishing houses and educational institutions. My publications include position articles for teachers, research articles and books (co-edited) in the domains of applied linguistics and second language acquisition. As a conference attendant I am a regular at IATEFL (both Poland and International), PASE Congress, ET Market. I have given talks, plenaries and workshops at various ELT events in the following countries: Argentina, Czechia, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Georgia, Great Britain, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Poland, Peru, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey and Ukraine.

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